San Diego Lyft & Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer

A woman commuting in an Uber. If she experiences sexual misconduct, a San Diego Uber sexual assault lawyer can help her.
Legally Reviewed By
Jessica K. Pride

Chances are, you’ve called an Uber or Lyft after a night out with friends to get to the airport or avoid the tedious task of finding a parking spot. As of 2025, reports indicate that Uber has an estimated 7.8 million active drivers on the road, while Lyft reported employing 2 million drivers across the country.

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Companies like Uber and Lyft have helped to alleviate the trouble of hailing a cab, which can often be expensive. But what happens when these ridesharing apps are used for illegal activity? An alarming trend shows that Lyft and Uber drivers are sexually assaulting their passengers, and hundreds of cases have been reported so far.

To better understand your rights and how to move forward after an assault by a rideshare driver, get in touch with The Pride Law Firm today. With nearly two decades of experience helping survivors piece their lives together, we have helped hundreds of people in San Diego and nationwide. 

Contact our team today online or by calling (619) 516-8166 to learn more about how a San Diego rideshare sexual assault lawyer can fight for you and make the rideshare industry safer for future passengers. 

“There is no one better at trauma-informed lawyering than Jessica Pride. I highly recommend her law firm to anyone who is ready to fight for justice and take back their power. She is a force of nature in the courtroom and a supportive voice for SA survivors.” 

- Gina M. | Client

The Disturbing Reality of Rideshare Sexual Assaults 

While Uber and Lyft swear by strict vetting practices, like thorough background checks, many questionable drivers have slipped through the cracks, as demonstrated in the rideshare companies’ previous safety reports. 

Uber has released three safety reports as of 2025, covering reported incidents between 2017 and 2022. The company’s latest safety report that covers 2021-2022 revealed that Uber is still struggling with an unacceptable amount of sexual assaults. The findings of the report revealed 2,717 incidents across the most serious categories of sexual assault and misconduct, including: 

  • 338 reports of non-consensual kissing of a non-sexual body part.
  • 258 cases of attempted non-consensual sexual penetration.
  • 1,401 reports of non-consensual touching of a sexual body part.
  • 338 reports of non-consensual kissing of a sexual body part.
  • 335 cases of non-consensual sexual penetration. 

Uber’s previous safety reports for 2019-2020 and 2017-2019 included 2,847 and 5,981 total reports of sexual assault, respectively. While Uber claimed that sexual assaults decreased by up to 38% between their first and second U.S. Safety Reports, it's important to note that this decline occurred during a period when rideshare usage dropped by up to 75% at times in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lyft released its first safety report in 2021. This report covered three years' worth of safety incident data from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2019. According to the first report, Lyft received a total of 4,158 sexual assault reports during this period. 

In July 2024, Lyft finally released its second safety report that covered 2020-2022. During that time, the company recorded 2,652 reports of sexual assault. 

Rideshare Sexual Assaults in San Diego: What We Know

While detailed data on sexual assault incidents specific to Uber and Lyft in San Diego is limited, there are several important points that can help us understand the context of rideshare safety in the region.

A 2022 survey conducted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) took a closer look at ride-hailing trends in San Diego County. It found that 51% of San Diegans considered themselves frequent users of ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft. Of those, most reported using these services about 1 to 3 times a month. 

Notably, 51% of respondents also reported taking rides alone with drivers rather than carpooling with other riders, which could increase the risk of assault, as being alone in a car with a driver can lead to situations where inappropriate behavior may occur.

Uber and Lyft trips are far more concentrated in San Diego and other urban areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco than in the rest of the country. While sexual assault can happen anywhere, it is more likely to happen in areas where there are more users, such as San Diego.

Furthermore, in 2020, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) fined Uber $59 million for failing to provide detailed data about sexual assaults. Although the case was ultimately settled, and Uber agreed to pay $9 million in fines, the situation highlights the broader challenges of tracking and reporting sexual assault incidents in rideshare services. These issues are not unique to San Diego but are a state-wide concern that could affect local users.

Why Are Uber and Lyft Sexual Assaults Happening?

Unfortunately, Lyft and Uber driver sexual assaults are appearing more frequently, and people are demanding answers. From Chicago to San Diego to Los Angeles, these violations range from rape to assault to kidnapping. But how, exactly, are these crimes happening?

Uber previously revealed that they do not perform fingerprinting background checks or in-person interviews with every potential new hire. Neither company is willing to change even after multiple accounts have surfaced of convicted and dangerous individuals passing the background checks. 

Though both Lyft and Uber allegedly require applicants to submit to a background check, which is said to include a cross-checking of the sex offender registry and the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, it is unknown just how extensive the background check is.

The disturbing reality is that sexual assaults in Uber and Lyft rides are far too common, and despite claims of thorough background checks and safety measures, these companies continue to fail their passengers. You don’t have to accept this as just the way things are.

You have the right to speak out, seek justice, and make sure these companies face the consequences of their failure to protect you. Fill out our confidential online form or call (619) 516-8166 today to start the process of sharing your story with a San Diego Uber sexual assault lawyer from The Pride Law Firm in a safe and private setting.

How to Potentially Avoid Being Sexually Assaulted by Rideshare Drivers

The unfortunate reality is that most attackers look for easy targets. You should never get too comfortable with your Uber or Lyft driver when it comes to personal or specific questions. Reports from women online said that some drivers would ask if they were single, who they lived with, or what type of guys they liked to date. Attackers will often assault you when they sense they have gained your trust.

You will also find it best to not be publicly intoxicated. Though being under the influence doesn’t give someone the right to assault you, most attackers (rideshare or otherwise) see this as a major opportunity. If you do plan on consuming alcohol, go with trusted friends or consider ridesharing with a group. The more passengers in a car, the greater the chance of your driver being reported in the event of an assault.

Other ways you can help protect yourself while using Lyft or Uber are:

  • Never sit in the front seat with your driver.
  • Do not take anything the driver offers you.
  • Tell a friend that you’re in a rideshare.
  • Call someone during the ride.
  • Let a friend know you’ve arrived home safely.
  • Never let a driver “help” you to your door.

Lyft and Uber have been blessings to enhance affordable transportation, but there are those who use the service as a means to prey upon women. 

Listen to founding attorney Jessica Pride share her three tips for preventing sexual assault in an Uber or Lyft:

In What Situations Could a San Diego Rideshare Sexual Assault Attorney Help Me?

Did a rideshare driver sexually assault you? Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell. Uber’s Code of Conduct states, “Commenting on appearance, asking overly personal questions, and making unwanted physical contact is inappropriate.” However, there is nothing in writing that specifies the illegal actions or consequences of unwanted sexual, physical, verbal, or aggressive contact.

Sexual assault doesn’t always involve physical touch, and it’s important to know the signs and how to recognize when something may have crossed the line.

First, did you give your consent? Consent is key in any interaction. If you did not give your driver permission to touch you or make advances, then you may have been assaulted. Remember, consent is not implied, and it must be explicitly given. Below are some violations of consent: 

  • No Touching Without Permission: Your driver does not have the right to touch you in any way, whether it's helping you into or out of the car, making physical contact, or making unwanted sexual advances.
  • Impairment Doesn’t Equal Consent: Using Lyft or Uber as a “designated driver” is not only a convenience; it’s responsible. Even if you’re impaired, it does not give the driver permission to touch, grope, or otherwise assault you. Intoxication is not an excuse nor an invitation for sexual assault.
  • Drugs and Assault: While rare, there are reports of drivers using Rohypnol (“roofies”) or other kinds of drugs to lower your inhibitions. If your rideshare driver drugged you, not only is there a chance you’ve been violated, but you have every right to pursue legal action, as the use of roofies is illegal.

The bottom line is you have to give your consent or permission to be touched. Even if you didn’t say, “No,” that doesn’t mean you said, “Yes.”

Sexual assault covers a wide range of actions, including: 

  • Unwanted touching of any sexual body part, including groping.
  • Sexual penetration or attempted penetration without consent.
  • Rape.
  • Attempted sexual assault, such as trying to force sexual acts without permission.
  • Sexual battery, which includes any form of unwanted sexual contact.
  • Exposure to sexual acts (for example, showing genitalia or performing sexual acts in front of someone without consent).
  • Inappropriate sexual advances or verbal harassment, such as unwanted sexual comments or requests.

If any type of unwanted sexual advances or touching occurred during your ride, you may have been assaulted, and there are legal options available to you. A San Diego Lyft sexual assault lawyer from The Pride Law Firm is here to answer your questions and provide a free and confidential case evaluation. Reach out to our team today online or by calling (619) 516-8166

Between 2017 and 2022, Uber received 11,545 reports of sexual misconduct

Steps to Take After Rideshare Sexual Assault Has Occurred

Sexual assault is one of the worst experiences a person can suffer. If you’ve been assaulted at the hands of a Lyft or Uber driver, please know that you are not alone. While no one should be violated in this way, more than 200,000 men and women annually report being sexually assaulted. And since many incidents go unreported, this number is believed to be even higher.

First and foremost, your top priority after a sexual assault incident is to get to a safe place and call for help. While it can be difficult, the next step to take after sexual assault is to report it and describe what occurred to the police or hospital. It’s important that you talk about what happened.

Not only is it mentally and emotionally unhealthy to keep the assault a secret, but reporting the incident sooner rather than later can help you recount important details and could possibly prevent another person from suffering.

Once you are ready, you can contact a San Diego Uber sexual assault attorney to discuss your options if you decide to take legal action. A Martindale-Nolo study showed that 90% of individuals who retain legal counsel secure a settlement or award, compared to only 50% of those who handle their cases independently.

Opening up after being sexually assaulted is both brave and difficult for survivors – we understand. Jessica Pride has worked one-on-one with countless women, consulting, counseling, and empowering them to grow through the tragedy of sexual assault.

“I am privileged and honored to represent survivors of sexual assault, and I will not stop until I don’t have a job anymore.”

- Jessica Pride | Managing Partner

How Can a San Diego Uber Sexual Assault Attorney Help Me?

At The Pride Law Firm, we understand that coming forward after a sexual assault is incredibly difficult, and deciding to take legal action can feel even more overwhelming. The weight of reliving what happened, coupled with the complexities of the legal system, can leave you feeling lost and unsure about how to proceed. 

An attorney can help you in the following ways: 

  • Advise You of Your Rights: A lawyer can explain your rights and lay out all of your choices following a sexual assault incident.
  • Handle All Correspondence: They will communicate with all parties on your behalf, protecting your identity and ensuring you don’t have to directly interact with the perpetrator.
  • Collect and Preserve Important Evidence: Your San Diego Lyft sexual assault attorney will help identify crucial pieces of evidence and documentation to preserve, ensuring you don’t miss anything important.
  • Gather Necessary Paperwork: They’ll collect medical records, police reports, and internal rideshare information, so you won’t need to relive the trauma when preparing your case.
  • File Your Lawsuit & Guide You: From filing your lawsuit to seeing it through to the end, your lawyer will provide clear, consistent updates and support you at every stage.

Uber and Lyft have robust legal teams and resources that can make taking them on alone challenging. With a San Diego Lyft sexual assault lawyer on your side, you can prioritize and focus on your mental health without the added stress of a legal battle with these powerful rideshare companies looming over you.

In most sexual assault cases, criminal charges won’t be filed against a perpetrator. Often, the burden of proof is difficult without video recording, DNA testing, or other evidence. Most often sexual assault occurs between two people as a “he said / she said.”

However, there are other means to get legal justice in San Diego besides criminal court, such as through a civil case. It starts with contacting us online or by calling (619) 516-8166.

Why Hire The Pride Law Firm

For nearly two decades, Jessica Pride seeks justice on behalf of sexual assault survivors, helping to put tragic events in the past, allowing survivors a chance to gain a sense of closure. Never think of yourself as a victim, because you’re not one. You’re a survivor.

Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. The Pride Law Firm is working to change this statistic, with each heartbreaking story we listen to and every victory we win on behalf of our clients. One by one, we can make a difference for all women.

Our team secured a historic $116 million settlement for 103 survivors of systematic sexual abuse at the now-closed Dublin prison in California, marking the largest of its kind in U.S. history and a pivotal moment for sexual abuse survivors everywhere.

Contact Jessica Pride today online or at (619) 516-8166 to learn more about your legal rights and options.

Proudly Representing San Diego Residents

San Diego Rideshare Sexual Assault FAQs

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How Long Do I Have to File a Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit in San Diego?

The time you have to pursue legal action for rideshare sexual assault depends on your state’s statute of limitations, which provides a specific window of time for you to file a lawsuit. In California and San Diego, the statute of limitations for filing a sexual assault lawsuit is 10 years from the date of the last act of assault or attempted assault. To understand the statute of limitations in your case, contact The Pride Law Firm online or by calling (619) 516-8166 today.

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Will I Be Able to Afford a San Diego Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer?

At The Pride Law Firm, we have dedicated our lives and careers to supporting survivors of sexual assault. Our goal is to ensure every survivor has the chance to speak up and take action. That’s why we work on a contingency fee, meaning you pay zero upfront costs. We only get paid if we win your case. 

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Can I Sue Uber or Lyft If a Driver Sexually Assaulted Me?

Yes, you can sue both Uber and Lyft if one of their drivers sexually assaulted you. Rideshare companies have a responsibility to ensure their drivers meet safety standards. A lawyer can help you hold both the driver and the company accountable.

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What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive in a Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit?

You may be eligible for various types of compensation, including financial support for past and future medical expenses, therapy or counseling costs, lost wages for the work you missed, and pain and suffering for the emotional turmoil you’ve endured. In some cases, you may also be entitled to punitive damages, which are intended to punish Uber and Lyft and deter future misconduct.

“I just received the self-care package from your team, when I opened the box and read the letter from you all, it felt like a hug came right out of the box. Thank you so much, it meant so much to me.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I am also hopeful and beyond grateful that my voice is being heard! So I want to say thank you Jessica and Christy, for giving me a voice when I felt mine didn’t matter. You guys are truly angels fighting a great cause. I am forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Jessica has been the epitome of the word excellent. She is always easy to talk to and very approachable. Always directly available. Very truthful and efficient. I highly recommend her and her team!!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Your compassion, humility, and fierce advocacy, are the qualities that make you the incredible rockstar attorney that you are. We’re with you in this fight!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I’m graduating with a finance degree. I just wanted to say thank you for fighting for me. Turns out, I was able to put the pieces together.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I just received the self-care package from your team, when I opened the box and read the letter from you all, it felt like a hug came right out of the box. Thank you so much, it meant so much to me.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I am also hopeful and beyond grateful that my voice is being heard! So I want to say thank you Jessica and Christy, for giving me a voice when I felt mine didn’t matter. You guys are truly angels fighting a great cause. I am forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Jessica has been the epitome of the word excellent. She is always easy to talk to and very approachable. Always directly available. Very truthful and efficient. I highly recommend her and her team!!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Your compassion, humility, and fierce advocacy, are the qualities that make you the incredible rockstar attorney that you are. We’re with you in this fight!”

– Lauren Betters (Gender Equality Law Center, NYC) –

“I’m graduating with a finance degree. I just wanted to say thank you for fighting for me. Turns out, I was able to put the pieces together.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I just received the self-care package from your team, when I opened the box and read the letter from you all, it felt like a hug came right out of the box. Thank you so much, it meant so much to me.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I am also hopeful and beyond grateful that my voice is being heard! So I want to say thank you Jessica and Christy, for giving me a voice when I felt mine didn’t matter. You guys are truly angels fighting a great cause. I am forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –