What defines inappropriate behavior in the workplace? Learn what workplace assault, harassment, and misconduct are and what you can do about it with the help of an experienced San Diego sexual harassment attorney.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a prevalent problem. In fact, a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found that 38% of women had experienced sexual harassment while on the job. However, it is a gender-neutral offense that spans a wide range of industries.
Every person has the right to work in a safe environment, regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.
The sexual assault lawyers at The Pride Law Firm provide complimentary legal consultations to any person who has suffered sexual harassment in the workplace or assault by a coworker. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience focused solely on representing sexual assault survivors.
Reach out to our San Diego, California offices by filling out our online form or by calling (619) 516-8166. When you’re not sure where to turn, you can turn to us.
“I can't say enough wonderful things about The Pride Law Firm! This firm has a team of amazing, smart, and professional attorneys and staff. They really care about their clients and go above and beyond to obtain justice. If I could give them more than 5 stars I would!! Thank you all for all the incredible work that you do!”
- Keren B. | Client
Sexual harassment in the workplace is constituted as any type of unwelcome request, conduct, or sexual advance based on gender or sex discrimination. It is a form of sexual discrimination that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment and violates state and federal laws.
Sexual harassment can be implicit (subtle) or explicit and typically falls under one of two categories:
Both of these forms of harassment come with intimidation tactics. Such bullying can cause survivors to suffer profound emotions that impact their job performance or career options. It’s common for a survivor to fear losing their job or network if they tell about the harassment.
The longer a survivor tolerates this type of behavior, the more likely it is to escalate into sexual assault. It’s vitally important that all of your rights are protected because when predators are given an inch, they’re emboldened to take a mile.
We know that coming forward can be difficult and even scary, but you don’t have to endure this alone. A sexual harassment attorney in San Diego is here to listen, support, and help you take the steps needed to protect yourself and hold those responsible accountable. You’ll feel safe, respected, and heard at The Pride Law Firm. Contact us today online or by calling (619) 516-8166.
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is the primary law that protects workers from sexual harassment in California, including in San Diego. FEHA applies to all employers, including public and private employers, labor organizations, and employment agencies.
How FEHA protects workers in San Diego:
Sexual harassment, assault, and misconduct are similar and sometimes interrelated forms of workplace transgressions. The lines between these three terms are not always easy to define, but we have provided examples below:
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination. Sexual harassment in the workplace might be unwanted attention, remarks, requests, or conduct of a sexual nature. For the most part, harassment is more verbal, though it can include unwanted touching, bumping, caressing, or pinching.
Examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include:
Many different actors may be involved in a workplace sexual harassment case. For instance, the employer may be liable if they knew about the situation and did nothing to prevent or resolve it. You can find justice by pursuing a civil lawsuit against the individual and/or the company depending on your circumstances.
Sexual assault involves unsolicited, intentional sexual contact or behavior while using force, intimidation, or abuse of authority in any setting. It carries a higher level of consequence than sexual harassment or sexual misconduct and falls under strict domestic violence laws in California.
In California and San Diego, sexual assault is classified under the Penal Code Section 243.4 and includes crimes like rape, attempted rape, groping, and other forms of non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual assault in San Diego can result in serious fines and is punishable by jail time.
Examples of workplace sexual assault can occur with and without sexual contact, including when a coworker or boss:
Sexual assault mainly refers to unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature. However, physical contact is not always necessary for an incident to qualify as assault. We cover more on this in the next section of examples.
Sexual misconduct is a general term that can encompass either sexual harassment or assault and is the broader category of the three. It can happen on and off work premises. Misconduct involves any type of requests, advances, slurs, jokes, name-calling, crude remarks, or innuendos of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would find inappropriate in the workplace.
Examples of sexual misconduct may be when a coworker or boss:
When inappropriate behavior can’t technically be classified in a legal sense as either sexual harassment or assault, it might be deemed sexual misconduct. It is typically less than assault but greater than harassment.
These horrendous acts not only violate the survivor but also compromise the work environment. Sexual harassment, assault, and misconduct create an oppressive work atmosphere, detract from productivity levels, and negatively impact team morale and attendance.
Sexual harassment can take many other types of forms as well. It is important to remember that any type of sexual misconduct is never acceptable. Harassment does not have to be strictly sexual in nature; for instance, it can include offensive comments about an individual’s sex.
Sexual harassment can happen in many places besides workplaces. It may be common in institutions such as school campuses, churches, or prisons.
Regardless of the setting where you experienced sexual harassment, these acts are never excusable, and the highest level of accountability is necessary to create safer spaces for everyone. Whether in the workplace or elsewhere, perpetrators of sexual harassment can face severe legal consequences in San Diego, including criminal charges, civil suits, and other penalties.
For help in dealing with and confronting perpetrators of sexual harassment, contact our sexual harassment attorneys in San Diego at (619) 516-8166 or start a confidential chat right here on your screen.
The University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the nonprofit organization California Coalition Against Sexual Assault conducted a study on sexual harassment in California. The findings revealed:
Furthermore, data from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) also shed light on the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment in San Diego and California:
Sexual harassment is a widespread issue that affects people all over California. However, legal action can help uncover more instances of harassment and prevent it from happening to others. If you or a loved one have any questions about sexual harassment, contact us at (619) 516-8166 to set up a private, confidential consultation.
Reporting sexual harassment is an important first step in asserting your rights in the face of workplace misconduct. The processes for reporting sexual harassment in the workplace versus sexual assault will vary.
If you’ve been harassed, you should first use your employer’s reporting system to report the assault. Taking this first step is critical since waiting to do so can interfere with your chance to seek compensation for your suffering.
If your employer doesn’t have a reporting system, as a second step, you’ll want to report the incident to the right state agency. In San Diego, where The Pride Law Firm is located, this will be the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The attorney general outlines more details on this process.
After this, state officials will review your report and possibly investigate it to see if the accused parties can be held liable for breaking the law.
You may contact a San Diego sexual harassment lawyer at any time during this process, though it’s best to do so as soon as possible. An attorney will help guide you through the process to explain how the process works and what your rights are. They will also oversee your interactions with the state agency to ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.
If you’ve been sexually assaulted, the actions you take immediately following an assault are critical for preserving your potential case details.
Sexual assault attorney Jessica Pride outlines what to do after you’ve been assaulted in the video below:
The first step is to find a place where you are physically safe and reach out for support, whether from a friend, parent, or partner. The next steps include:
If you are afraid for your job or safety, report it immediately to management or human resources, and contact a San Diego sexual harassment attorney. You can also contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to file a complaint.
The moments directly following such an experience can be confusing and difficult. If you have trouble with any part of the above-explained process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team.
Elements that may make it challenging to prove workplace harassment include:
You need not be intimidated by these circumstances. These are common issues when bringing a workplace sexual harassment suit, and each one of them can be overcome by your legal team at The Pride Law Firm.
The harassment you experienced does not have to be so extreme as to create overwhelming evidence. Your attorney will help build a case based on your specific circumstances. If sexual harassment is interrupting your workplace and affecting your life and well-being, you have the right to take legal action.
Sexual assault is not your fault, no matter what you were wearing when it occurred. We will protect your identity, prevent workplace retaliation, and help you move on with your life and career.
At the Pride Law Firm, we believe that one instance of workplace sexual harassment is one too many. We are committed to sparking meaningful change in San Diego by standing beside those who have suffered this unacceptable treatment.
Our mission is to make San Diego safer and more just for everyone, and we will never stop advocating for a future where workplaces are free from harassment. Our sexual harassment attorneys in San Diego can:
Sexual harassment can cause major disruptions in a person’s life, often resulting in measurable losses and expenses. A sexual harassment lawsuit can result in compensation (damages) for the survivor, which can help them deal with the financial challenges caused by the harassment.
Damages in a sexual harassment lawsuit can cover:
It is important to know that the full amount of compensation issued in a sexual harassment case will vary widely based on the circumstances. Also, the attorney’s skill in handling the lawsuit can play a major role in the final damages award. For example, a Martindale-Nolo study found that 90% of people who hire legal representation successfully obtain a settlement or award, while only 50% of those who manage their cases on their own achieve the same outcome.
Thus, it’s crucial to hire an experienced San Diego sexual harassment lawyer who is familiar with the nuances of these cases.
Whether you’re an employee, contractor, or other classified worker, you always have a right to a safe work environment and to take action against your abuser.
Long before the #MeToo movement, Jessica Pride and The Pride Law Firm have been hard at work securing justice in the workplace for men and women like yourself. With over 100 years of combined experience, we are not new to this field of justice. There are a host of benefits you can receive by getting legal help. We can help protect your job, collect damages, and recover any wages or benefits you’ve lost.
Our team achieved a groundbreaking $116 million settlement for 103 survivors of systemic sexual abuse at the former Dublin prison in California, setting a historic precedent as the largest settlement of its kind in U.S. history and marking a significant milestone for survivors of sexual abuse nationwide.
"I am privileged and honored to represent survivors of sexual assault, and I will not stop until I don’t have a job anymore."
- Jessica Pride | Managing Partner
At The Pride Law Firm, we are more than just professionals; we are a trusted network of resources for survivors. Our staff is one of the only civil law firms with trauma-informed training to meet survivors’ needs. We are also the first civil law firm to staff a full-time survivor advocate to act as a client liaison throughout the entire legal process.
If you’re considering reporting sexual assault in the workplace, you can start with a free, private legal consultation by calling (619) 516-8166 or filling out our online form. It’s normal and okay to have questions; we can help give you answers. The Pride Law Firm is here to protect your rights, livelihood, and character.
Proving sexual harassment in the workplace may involve several types of evidence and methods of proof. For instance, a workplace sexual harassment lawyer may gather witness testimony, photos, videos, and other forms of evidence to provide a strong case for trial.
Since workplace harassment can take many forms, including verbal and written conduct, a skilled lawyer may also gather important information such as emails, texts, digital chat messages, and other records. These are highly useful in proving cases that involve a hostile work environment.
Many who experience sexual harassment in the workplace report “freezing,” or feeling unable to stop, oppose, or report the behavior. Common fears that survivors face about reporting sexual assault in the workplace can include concerns about jeopardizing their advancement and fear of being ostracized by other coworkers.
We know it’s not easy and have supported countless people in these exact predicaments. We understand you may have children at home or be the sole provider for your household and may have concerns about compromising your career. We will advise you of all your legal options.
According to California and federal laws, employers in all settings have the responsibility to ensure their workplace is free of sexual misconduct and assault at all times. If the employer knows or should have known that sexual harassment or assault is occurring but takes no action against it, the company can be held liable.
In California, employers must investigate all complaints and are prohibited from retaliating against employees who file harassment reports. Punishing an employee for reporting sexual harassment in the workplace or any other type of misconduct or assault is illegal. The attorneys at The Pride Law Firm exist to protect those who have been silenced for reporting sexual misconduct of any kind.
In California, there are filing deadlines known as the “statute of limitations” for an employee’s sexual harassment or discrimination claim. The specific time window to file may vary depending on the nature of the incident and the date it occurred. However, a lawyer from our firm can advise you on your specific time limit.
This means there may not be a lot of time to file considering the numerous requirements needed to arrange for a lawsuit. That is why it’s so important to contact a workplace sexual harassment lawyer promptly to empower them to work on your behalf. Any delay or hesitation in reaching out to a lawyer could affect the outcome of your case. If you’ve been assaulted or harassed and aren’t sure where to turn, please contact The Pride Law Firm today. Reach out online or by calling (619) 516-8166 — we are ready to help you and will do so in a completely private, confidential setting.