A bartender mixes a drink before giving a customer a testing kit as mandated in the new California drink spiking test kit law.A bartender mixes a drink before giving a customer a testing kit as mandated in the new California drink spiking test kit law.
A new California drink spiking test kit law aims to protect people from tampered drinks.
By Jessica pride
Published on
July 31, 2024
Last Updated
July 31, 2024

AB 1013: California's New Drink Spiking Test Kit Law

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Going out to bars and nightclubs should be fun and safe for everyone, but drink spiking is a dangerous problem that can forever change someone’s life. In response to the rise in drugging drinks, California has introduced a new law to protect patrons.

The new law that took effect on July 1, 2024, requires certain establishments that serve alcohol to offer alcohol testing kits, helping people to check whether their drink has been tampered with.

At The Pride Law Firm, we understand the deep pain and sense of helplessness that survivors of such violations experience. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience getting sexual assault survivors the justice and peace of mind they deserve.

Contact us online or call (619) 516-8166 for a 100% free and private case review to learn how we can support you.

About Assembly Bill 1013

Spiked drinks heighten the risk of sexual assault or other violent crimes, making this new measure a crucial and long overdue step to protect our communities.

AB 1013, which was put into motion on July 1, is a significant new law in California aimed at improving safety in nightlife settings. This law requires bars and nightclubs to provide drink-testing kits to help detect if someone has secretly added drugs to a drink. 

These kits can identify common date-rape drugs like:

  • Rohypnol.
  • Ketamine.
  • GHB.
  • Xanax.

What Businesses Must Follow the California Alcohol Testing Kit Law?

The new law targets establishments with a Type 48 license issued by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), such as bars or nightclubs. 

Businesses must display signs clearly advertising to patrons the availability of the drug testing kits, stating: “Don’t get roofied! Drink spiking drug test kits available here. Ask a staff

member for details” per the ABC.

Affecting over 2,400 licensees in California, this is positive progress toward making safer spaces for people. The law requires these venues to either offer the testing kits for free or sell them at a low cost, typically as low as $1.

It’s up to the bars and nightclubs to get these drink-testing kits themselves. ABC doesn’t provide or sell these kits, nor do they recommend any particular brand. So, it’s on the venues to find and buy these safety tools. The testing kits can come in different forms, like: 

  • Test strips.
  • Stickers.
  • Special straws.
Drink spiking is not an urban legend or myth. The frustrating truth is that it is a real and dangerous issue that affects many lives, violating victims’ consent and leaving them feeling powerless.

We want survivors to know that they are not alone in this battle. If you or a loved one has experienced sexual assault, contact The Pride Law Firm online or call (619) 516-8166 to share your story and learn how we can serve you.

The Importance of California's Drink Spiking Test Kit Law

Drink spiking is frighteningly more common than you might think. Below are a few statistics highlighting the significance of Assembly Bill 1013 in combating perpetrators preying on unsuspecting patrons: 

  • Out of 900 people surveyed, 44% of men and 56% of women said they’ve unknowingly had their drinks spiked.
  • Women were also 56% more likely to have drinks or food spiked by a stranger.
  • 42% of the people who spiked men’s drinks or food were considered friends.
  • Alcohol is the main substance to be spiked across both genders.
  • The Roofie Foundation stated that it has received over 6,000 reports of drug–facilitated rapes or sexual assaults since 1997. However, sexual assault and rape are severely underreported, so it is likely this number could be significantly higher.
  • Estimates suggest that one-third of drink spiking incidents are associated with a sexual attack.

Infographic showing substances most likely to be spiked: Women (83% alcoholic beverage, 10% food, 7% non-alcoholic) and Men (64% alcoholic beverage, 28% food, 8% non-alcoholic).

How the California Drink Spiking Law Can Prevent Sexual Assaults

Sadly, many people who have their drinks spiked don’t report it to the authorities. Research shows that over half of men and even more women choose not to report their experiences. They often feel that law enforcement won’t do much to hold the responsible person accountable.

A lot of people don’t believe the law will catch or punish those who spike drinks. For example, a survey of 900 people found that 58% of men and 65% of women feel that their attackers won’t be held responsible. This is why only a small number of people—20% of men and just 6% of women—feel confident that authorities will take action.

By requiring bars and nightclubs to provide drink-testing kits, the new law helps tackle this issue head-on. It gives people a way to check if their drink has been tampered with, which could make a big difference in feeling safe and secure while out. 

This law is a crucial step towards addressing and preventing drink spiking, even when people might feel doubtful about the authorities.

Drink Spiking Lawsuits in California

A well-known bar in West Hollywood called The Abbey, has faced several lawsuits related to drink spiking and sexual assault. 

In 2013, two women sued The Abbey for $10 million each, alleging that staff gave them drinks laced with "rape drugs" and then assaulted them. 

The following year, the lawsuit was updated to include four more women who said they were given drinks with drugs, but they did not claim they were assaulted. One of these lawsuits was settled out of court in 2015, but the details were kept private.

Since then, more than 70 people have come forward, alleging their drinks were drugged at the Abbey.

The Pride Law Firm Fights for Sexual Assault Survivors

While AB 1013 is a positive step forward in protecting Californians from drink spiking, there's still much more to be done to support sexual assault survivors. The law helps prevent these incidents, but it doesn’t address all the challenges survivors have already endured. 

That’s why The Pride Law Firm is here to support sexual assault survivors in getting the justice and financial support they need to begin their journey toward recovery. With over 2 decades of experience helping survivors, we foster a safe environment so our clients feel comfortable every step of the way. 

Reach out to our team online or call (619) 516-8166 for a team that is here for you and genuinely cares about you.

Proudly Representing California Residents

Related Resources

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