By Jessica pride
Published on
July 12, 2017
Last Updated
April 5, 2024

What You Need to Know About Uber & Lyft Sexual Assaults

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Updated August 3, 2017.In March of 2016 we wrote a post about the dangers of using a ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft.

Later in April 2016, a district attorney in San Francisco sued Uber for falsely claiming they had used "the most comprehensive screening of would-be drivers available." It was later revealed that these screenings did not include fingerprinting for past convictions, and Uber settled the case for $10,000,000.Update: October 2017

california sexual assault lawyer

Be aware that there are general personal injury lawyers claiming to assist sexual assault victims who have little to no experience in this field of law. Our firm founder has released the following statement: "Sexual assault is not as common as a car accident, and the treatment and procedure required to begin healing and become a survivor of a sexual assault varies for each individual. If someone has been sexually assaulted whether by an Uber or Lyft driver, or otherwise, I encourage them to speak with a lawyer who specifically handles this area of law."

Uber's code of conduct at the time included the language: "Furthermore, commenting on appearance, asking overly personal questions and making unwanted physical contact is inappropriate."

Uber and Lyft have both come under scrutiny for their drivers who have committed violent acts or sexual assault.

A website called Who's Driving You has been set up to track news related to accidents, harassment, and sexual assault connected with Uber and Lyft.

Reports for robbery and physical assault average about one to two incidents per month, whereas sexual assaults are nearly double that amount. Unfortunately, as with most sexual assaults, this number of reported incidents is most likely lower than the actual number of incidents.

Uber & Lyft Assault Victims Hire Our Firm

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As of October 3, 2017, dozens of women have confided in our staff about their dangerous and inappropriate ride-sharing experience with Uber or Lyft.

If you are one of the millions of women who depend on a ride-sharing service to get where you're going, be aware the next time you get into a car with a driver. The following data was collected from past and recent incidents, and could save you from an attack:

  • In all cases the drivers were men
  • In nearly all sexual assault cases, the women were intoxicated
  • In all incidents of sexual assault, the rider was sitting in the front passenger seat
  • In one incident, an intoxicated woman was "helped" to her door where upon entering her house she was raped by the driver

It used to be that riding in a taxi meant the patron sat in the back, on the right side of the car, and hardly ever in the front seat unless the back seats were in use. This deviation from the norm, while "friendly," has unfortunately resulted in the increase of assault and unwanted touching.

What Do I Do if I Have Been Sexually Assaulted by an Uber or Lyft Driver?

While it is a painful truth, know that you are not alone. If you have been a victim of sexual assault, there are resources to help you, including the caring staff at our firm. We are counselors who work with victims of sexual assault and violence, and will hold your story in the strictest of confidence. There is no obligation to hire us to handle your case, and your consultation with us is completely free.

Meet Jessica Pride

Next Steps to Take

If you are not ready to speak with a lawyer, but want to report the incident to police or speak with a counselor, we encourage you to look for a sexual assault victim center in your local area. If you're not sure where to turn, we will gladly help you find the assistance you need. Call our firm at (619) 516-8166.

You are not alone - we are here for you.

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