We’re here to help you get justice

“A forever thank you for believing in me and helping me through what I thought was going to kill me. If it wasn’t for you and women like you, I wouldn’t have the tools to learn how to believe in myself and find my voice again.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

Nationally & Locally Recognized Advocates

Super Lawyers 2019National Trial Lawyers Top 100American Association for JusticeBBB Accredited business

Winning victory for
survivors nationwide.


changed lives & counting
Jessica Pride Sexual Harassment Attorney

About jessica pride

I will stand up and fight for you.

I believe you. I want to help you get justice.

I care about and believe in my clients and am dedicated to fighting to end sexual violence. What happened to you is not your fault, and I am going to help you get your power back.

“I am also hopeful and beyond grateful that my voice is being heard! So I want to say thank you Jessica and Christy, for giving me a voice when I felt mine didn’t matter. You guys are truly angels fighting a great cause. I am forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Jessica has been the epitome of the word excellent. She is always easy to talk to and very approachable. Always directly available. Very truthful and efficient. I highly recommend her and her team!!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Your compassion, humility, and fierce advocacy, are the qualities that make you the incredible rockstar attorney that you are. We’re with you in this fight!”

– Lauren Betters (Gender Equality Law Center, NYC) –

“I’m graduating with a finance degree. I just wanted to say thank you for fighting for me. Turns out, I was able to put the pieces together.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I just received the self-care package from your team, when I opened the box and read the letter from you all, it felt like a hug came right out of the box. Thank you so much, it meant so much to me.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I am also hopeful and beyond grateful that my voice is being heard! So I want to say thank you Jessica and Christy, for giving me a voice when I felt mine didn’t matter. You guys are truly angels fighting a great cause. I am forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Jessica has been the epitome of the word excellent. She is always easy to talk to and very approachable. Always directly available. Very truthful and efficient. I highly recommend her and her team!!”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“Your compassion, humility, and fierce advocacy, are the qualities that make you the incredible rockstar attorney that you are. We’re with you in this fight!”

– Lauren Betters (Gender Equality Law Center, NYC) –

“I’m graduating with a finance degree. I just wanted to say thank you for fighting for me. Turns out, I was able to put the pieces together.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –

“I just received the self-care package from your team, when I opened the box and read the letter from you all, it felt like a hug came right out of the box. Thank you so much, it meant so much to me.”

– Client of Jessica Pride –


We are here to help empower you.

Sexual assault is a horrible crime that should never happen to anyone — yet each year more than 321,500 men and women report being sexually assaulted.

San Diego sexual assault attorney Jessica Pride fights on behalf of sexual assault survivors nationwide. She has helped hundreds of survivors heal, find joy and recover their power.

If you or a loved one need an advocate, contact Jessica today at ​619-516-8166 to learn about your legal options.


We believe and fight for survivors.

Survivors of sexual assault have one invariable thing in common: they have experienced a loss of power.

The Pride Law Firm exists to return that power where it belongs with survivors by providing them with all of the necessary resources they need to heal, recover and believe in themselves again.

Through the civil court system, the Pride Law Firm sends strong messages that result in meaningful changes.
Meet the Attorneys


What Defines Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is basically defined as any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without your clear and explicit consent. Such violations are dehumanizing, demoralizing, and unacceptable — they demand accountability and justice.

The Pride Law Firm has a dedicated to help you in every way possible after the trauma you’ve experienced. Also, every member of our staff has been trained in trauma-informed care to help ensure you’re met with a safe environment and provided support for whatever needs your recovery requires. Contact us online, call us directly  ​619-516-8166, or start a confidential chat right on this page — we are here for you whenever you’re ready.

Is It Worth Getting a San Diego Sexual Assault Lawyer?

Yes — hiring a sexual assault lawyer can help you take back your power and improve your environment for not only yourself, but also those facing similar challenges.

A sexual assault lawsuit can lead to remedies like:

  • Public admissions of guilt and statements of apology to set the record straight and counteract any character-damaging accusations or slander against you
  • Reforms to rules, protocols, management tactics, and protections that can improve the culture of a workplace or industry
  • Accountability for those who perpetrated or protected bad behavior, including firing wrongdoers, barring them from roles of leadership or influence going forward, and potentially prompting criminal prosecutions based on evidence revealed thanks to your lawsuit

A lawsuit settlement can also include personal coverage for:

  • Medical and therapeutic bills related to your injuries and ongoing care
  • Lost wages, advancement opportunities, or lost employment if you were fired in retaliation for properly reporting workplace incidents of sexual harassment
  • Pain and suffering damages, as well as other discretionary rewards like “punitive” damages a judge may order to penalize wrongdoers and further compensate you

Your attorney navigates the complex legal system on your behalf, and can be your voice to hold perpetrators accountable, even if you’re not able to verbalize the trauma yourself. We encourage you to contact the sexual assault attorneys at The Pride Law Firm by calling 619-516-8166 for a trusting, confidential, and compassionate team. Your choice to reach out today could begin a healing journey for yourself that ultimately helps create a better world for others.

What Are the 3 Types of Harassment?

Sexual harassment includes requests for sexual favors, unwanted sexual advances, and various disparaging insults or sexual remarks and intrusions. The three general types of sexual harassment are categorized as:

  • Verbal/written: This category includes (but is not limited to) verbal sexual comments whether delivered as “complementary” or insulting, emails/texts sent to or about you, written or printed notes left in personal or common areas, and online posts whether they’re meant for your eyes or not.
  • Visual: Displaying pictures or posters of a sexual nature, showing sexual texts or photos, watching pornographic material, drawing sexual or violent images, and gesturing lewdly are all examples of non-verbal, visual forms of harassment.
  • Physical: Before crossing into assault, physical sexual harassment could mean unwanted touching like hugs or shoulder rubs, close hovering in your personal space, and/or playing music that is sexually suggestive or derogatory.

These forms of sexual misconduct can often overlap or “intersect” with other forms of harassment based on gender identity, race, religion, disability, cultural heritage or immigration status, age discrimination, and sexual orientation.

Another unique form of harassment is known as “quid pro quo” or “this for that” ultimatums and insinuations — these occur when an authority figure (a boss, teacher, guardian, religious leader, cop, or doctor) demands sexual compliance in exchange for something you want, need, or rightfully deserve.

What Should Be Your First Course of Action if You Are Sexually Harassed or Assaulted?

Your first priority is to get to a safe place where you feel protected. Next, calling a loved one for support or a survivor hotline can provide immediate comfort, reassurance, and crucial guidance. After that, you may need:

  • Medical care if you’ve been assaulted for treatment of physical wounds, preventative medications for possible sexually-transmitted infections, and evidence gathering.
  • Legal advocacy to reassure you of your rights to allow or refuse exams/questioning, actions you can take to protect yourself (like restraining orders), and advice on what may be important evidence to preserve should you choose to pursue a lawsuit later.
  • Professional counseling whether psychological, religious, or group-oriented — it’s important to stay connected with others, but also essential that your boundaries are maintained. Trained therapists, counselors, and designated confidantes understand how to respect your privacy and comfort levels while providing support and oversight for your safety.

There are people within reach who are waiting to help you, including here at The Pride Law Firm. We’ve dedicated our careers and our callings to standing beside the injured and wronged to help them seek justice.

What Should I Do if I Am Unsure Whether My Experience Constitutes Sexual Assault or Harassment?

If you're uncertain about whether your experience qualifies as sexual assault or harassment, it's essential to seek guidance from a knowledgeable legal professional. Our San Diego sexual harassment attorneys can help you understand your rights, evaluate your situation, and determine the appropriate steps to take.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault in California?

In California, the statute of limitations for filing a sexual assault lawsuit varies depending on the circumstances of the case. For example, those over 18 years of age may file a claim within 10 years of the assault, or 3 years from realizing injury due to the assault (such as an STD diagnosis, or experiencing PTSD symptoms).

It’s essential to consult with a local San Diego sexual harassment lawyer promptly to ensure you understand the specific time limits that apply to your situation.

What Legal Options Do I Have if I’ve Experienced Workplace Sexual Assault or Harassment?

If you've experienced sexual assault or harassment in the workplace, you have several legal options available to you. These may include filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), pursuing a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator and/or your employer, and seeking other forms of legal recourse.

An experienced sexual harassment attorney in San Diego can help you explore these options and determine the best course of action.

How Can I Protect Myself From Retaliation After Speaking Out About Sexual Assault or Harassment?

Protecting yourself from retaliation after speaking out about sexual assault or harassment is critical. It's essential to document any instances of retaliation, such as changes in job duties, negative performance evaluations, or hostile behavior from colleagues or supervisors.

Additionally, you can seek advice from our San Diego sexual assault attorneys, and explore legal options. Actions may include filing a complaint with the appropriate regulatory agencies, or pursuing a lawsuit against those responsible for retaliation.

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